Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Snake Grass for Cancer Cure and It's Health Benefits

Good News!!!

Recently, I met a man who had Lymphatic Cancer – Stage 4 with 123 lymph nodes affected. His cancer started in March 2008.

Affected parts: 1st: Right lung, 2nd: Left lung, 3rd: Groin, 4th: Eye and 5th Mouth.
After 9 chemo therapies he stopped the treatment on 10/11/2008 because 5 specialists said he can only survive for 3 months. Today, after more than 2 years, he has recovered and is still living. Thanks to the Sabah Snake Grass (Clinacanthus) which he planted outside his house.

He blended the leaves with green apple (minus skin and seeds) and drank them after breakfast everyday.

After 3 days, 6 tumours disappeared.
After 13 days, he went for a blood test.The oncologist said that he was 96% cured.
So far more than 200 people who had taken the herbs showed improvement.

Case 1) Man – age 54
            Lung Cancer: 3rd stage.
            Chemothrapy 6 times
            Tumour before taking Sabah Snake Grass 29mm, 44mm, 76mm
            Tumour two weeks after taking Sabah Snake Grass
            reduced to 20mm, 27mm, 67mm respectively

Case 2) Woman
             Uterus cancer - tumour size 6cm
             Scheduled for surgery. After taking SSG, reduced to 3.5cm.
             Doctor said no need to operate 
             Continue taking the SSG, the tumour disappeared.

Case 3) Man
            Prostate Cancer
            After taking SSG for 11 days, the tumour disappeared.

Case 4) Woman from KL
             Breast and Lung Cancer
             Both breasts removed – 4 stage. Very weak, cannot eat,
             on drip and lying in hospital.
             Family member poured SSG juice into her mouth through tube.
             After a few days, could eat and was discharged.
            28 days later was all tumours disappeared.

Case 5) Woman from Taiping
             Breast Cancer
            After taking SSG for 3 days, the wound dried up.

Case 6) Leukemia Patients
            So far 4 cases have been cured after drinking SSG juice.
            They also drank juice from 3 leaves of Guo Sai Por
            (Ti Tham Tou) once per week.

Case 7) Dialysis Patients
             Af ter taking SSG for 10 days, stopped going for dialysis

Case 8) Patients with High Cholesterol, High Blood, High Uric Acid
             and Diabetes
             After taking SSG, the conditions improved.

The Plant

Number of leaves used for treatment for Cancer:

Stage 1 : 30 leaves everyday
Stage 2 : 50 leaves everyday
Stage 3 : 100 leaves everyday
Stage 4 : 150 – 200 leaves everyday

When the patients get better, reduce the number of leaves.

Direction for juicing SSG

a) Pour half cup of clean water in a blender
b) Add 1 or 2 ice cubes to prevent heating during blending
c) Add 1 quarter of lemon or half a lime juice (provide Vitamin C and prevent oxidization )
d) Wash the required fresh SSG leaves and put them into the blender
e) Peel a green apple and remove the core/seeds
f ) Cut the apple into 8 pieces
g) Put in the pieces of apple
h) Blend and drink immediately or within 5 minutes. (consume daily)
I ) If your body is "cooling" add a few slices of ginger or drink warming herbs

Food to avoid : Sugar and products made with sugar, honey, kembong fish, ray fish, 7 angled-fish, chicken meat, duck meat, yam, glutenous rice, margarine, durians, bird nest, ginseng and other rejuvenating herbs.

Anti-Cancer Compounds
Besides SSG, papaya, apricot seeds, le mon grass and many types of fresh raw vegetable and fruit juices can also be used for treating cancer.

Today’s medical world is dynamic in searching for effective medicines to cure or prevent the proliferation of virulent diseases affecting the human race. Despite the dynamism of science, however, the world is still in trouble, as these diseases, such as cancer, kidney malfunction, diabetes and AIDS have become more abusive and deathly to the human populace. In fact, the mortality rate, due to these diseases, is still increasing. Thus, it is about time to go back to natural world, where plants and herbs having natural medicinal properties are planted.
One of the best Asian herbs grown in the tropical region is Sabah Snake Grass. Traditionally, it has been used by Asians as a cure or remedy for snake bites. It has been processed to eliminate the fatal venom, when a snake bit someone. It has manifested successful results to some individuals in those areas where it endemically grows.
What Is Sabah Snake Grass?
Sabah Snake Grass or Clinicanthus Nutans is an herb grown usually in tropical weather countries, like Malaysia and Thailand. This natural herb that is part of acanthaceae family has a scientific name Clinacanthus Nutans. It is known Balalai Gajah in Malay, and Dandang Gendis in Indonesia.
Testified Health Impact
As it has been used by Asian people as a native treatment for different diseases, like cancer, using this herb has become popular. There was one patient with a stage 4 Lymphatic Cancer who testified and recognized the efficacy of this plant. The diagnosis of his doctor way back in 2008 was that he would live for the remaining 3 months of his life, knowing that his illness is already irreversible. Hence, his chemotherapy was stopped. However, he took the extracted juice of Sabah Snake Grassplanted outside his house every morning. Fortunately, he survived and his 6 tumors have had then gone.
Besides this patient, there are reported more than a thousand people in Asia who have had been cured and treated by this peculiar plant. Most of them are cancer patients. But, there are also patients who suffered from other degenerative diseases, such as kidney trouble and diabetes. You can check this out by searching the Internet, using a keyword ‘benefits of Sabah Snake Grass.’

How To Use Sabah Snake Grass For Medicinal Purposes?
There are only two ways to use this plant for medicinal purposes. The first one is to make it as a juice liquid, and the second one is to make it as a tea drink. Either of the two ways could help you remedy your felt health issue/s. In terms of its dosage, it is a recommendation, based on actual practice, for you to have 5 to 10 leaves of Sabah Snake Grass daily. This is to maintain your optimal health.
However, if you have severe or extreme illness, you might be adding your dosage. And, if you feel some body reactions, such as dizziness and vomiting, you have to somehow lower your own dose. By doing so, your time of suffering due to illness is over.
Clinacanthus NutansTo Achieve Optimal Health
Some people who already have tried Clinacanthus Nutans, or a tea extract from Sabah Snake Grass, considered it as potent to help them achieve optimal health. In fact, there have already been users who testified its potency based on actual usage. It is further recognized for other body health purposes, such as detoxification, regulation of cholesterol level, lowering the blood pressure level, and so on. So, starting a first leap today towards the utilization of this herb for medicinal and health strengthening purposes is quite significant and helpful.
Source: anaturalcure.com / uncleherbs.org
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